

on February 29 / by Chris Cammarata

According to the argument of motion from Aquinas, why can’t there be an infinite regress of movers? Why does it have to stop at one unmoved one?

The reason philosophy avoids any “infinite regress” is that it leaves us with situations which are redundant, unanswerable, impossible, or useless. Aristotle first tackled this problem in his own philosophy, and it had a great influence on St. Thomas Aquinas’ cosmological arguments. The reason the universe “has to” stop at an “unmoved mover” (another way […]


on February 27 / by Chris Cammarata

Which is the most suitable vocation for a young man to serve the Lord?

Answering this question is difficult because there is not one single answer to it. “Vocation,” put in simple terms, is the calling God has given to a person. Some vocations are common, and some are unique. For instance, many people have the vocation of marriage. But maybe your particular vocation is to lead a mission […]

Holy Mass

on February 27 / by Chris Cammarata

What is the reason for the priests of the Latin rite to switch from the ‘ad orientem’ posture to facing the altar as done in the Holy Mass of Pope St. Paul VI after Vatican II

During Vatican II, the Church published a new version of the Mass for Roman Catholics known officially as the Mass of Paul VI, named such because he was the pope who promulgated (or published) it. It is sometimes referred to by other names such as the “Vatican II Mass,” “post-Vatican-II Mass,” or Novus Ordo (“New […]


on February 27 / by Dr. Nelson Thomas

If sin is the violation of commandments, how did people before Moses commit sin as they did not have the commandments

One is judged against his conscience, and not against any commandments. But one is obliged to form his conscience according to the moral law. Divine revelation was progressive in nature. The ten commandments were given at some point of time in the revelation history. Ever since our understanding of the moral law was evolving. It’s […]


on February 26 / by Dr. Nelson Thomas

Is oral sex a sin to be confessed?

The conjugal act is a divine gift that is at the centre of the sacrament of marriage. The two important facets of it are ‘the loving union of man and woman and the miracle of new life’. Conjugal love is the act of making a sincere gift of self, willing the good of the other. […]


on February 26 / by Edin Michael

What is purgatory?

The Catholic teaching on Purgatory is one of the most misunderstood topics. Even among us Catholics there is a lack of clarity about what the Church teaches about Purgatory and what all forms the basis for this teaching. As a result when someone asks us about this we are unable to answer or even worse […]

Catholic Church

on February 12 / by Dr. Mammen P Cherian

Is using contraceptive of any type a sin when one or both married persons are HIV positive?

According to the Catholic Church, the use of contraception of any kind is morally wrong and, therefore not acceptable in any circumstances. The Church teaches that the sexual act must be both unitive and procreative. And the use of contraceptives renders the sexual act sterile. When two of the partners are HIV positive, the question […]


on February 12 / by Chris Cammarata

In Matthew 8:31 we read that Jesus heard the pleas of the demons. Why should he do so?

This is a really thought-provoking question! The verse in question refers to when Jesus heals the Gerasene (or Gadarene) demoniacs, and the demons plead to be sent into the swine. The first thing to know is that Jesus is absolutely sovereign. He acts on divine authority, an authority so absolute that even the demons are […]

Church History

on February 12 / by Edin Michael

What historical proof is there that St Thomas did come to India? Any documentation or indications that he really did come to Kerala?

The long-accepted belief is that St. Thomas preached in South India and established churches and left congregations known to this day as the St.Thomas’ Christians, and that in the end he was martyred in St. Thomas’ Mount and buried in San Thome, now a suburb of Madras. Thus the glory of the introduction of Christianity […]


on February 12 / by Jacob Jose

Watching porn is sin. But is it a sin to watch obscene scenes which happen to be there in almost every movie?

Watching porn becomes sinful not because you have watched something that falls under the label ‘porn’ but because what you have watched triggered disordered sexual feelings, imagination, desires  (objectifying the human body) and it led you to sinful actions.  As you know we sin in thoughts, words, and deeds. Obscene visuals could well be present […]

Other Faiths

on February 8 / by Tomas Michael

Being Catholic, can I attend the prayer meeting of a different denomination?

It depends on the group concerned. If there are no Catholic groups near you, it can be a possibility only if they are truly ecumenical in nature. Which means that they acknowledge that what we have in common is more important than what we disagree about. However, the sad truth is that such groups are […]


on February 4 / by Chris Cammarata

Jesus was well known on account of the miracles he performed. Then why was it necessary for Judas to identify Jesus when they came to arrest him?

That’s a good point–Jesus was well-known on account of the miracles he worked. Why would Judas need to identify who he was? Let’s think about the circumstances of Jesus’ public life. First of all, consider that while Jesus was well-known among certain groups of people (namely, the Jewish people of his day), that didn’t necessarily […]


on February 4 / by Edin Michael

What is the tree of Life and why was it guarded by the Cherubim?

The first time we hear about the tree of life is in Genesis 2:8-9 where we see God planting a garden in Eden and growing every kind of tree that is “pleasant to the sight and good for food.” This garden includes both the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good […]

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