

on March 30 / by Chris Cammarata

If you are discerning and the choice you desire/believe is the Lord’s, is in contradiction with your parents’ desire, what should you do? Isn’t it biblical to receive the parents’ blessing? (And other questions about obeying one’s parents.)

This is a great question, and one that revolves around the Fourth Commandment. We’ll break down the Fourth Commandment and honoring one’s parents in detail. I know that in certain households this can be a point of contention, so to both parents and children, please know that this is an explanation of the teachings of […]


on March 25 / by Chris Cammarata

Please explain the parable of the leaven?

There are several places in the Gospels that use the image of “leaven.” For instance, Jesus tells his disciples to beware the leaven of the Scribes and Pharisees (see Matthew 20:6). In the context of that warning of Jesus, the “leaven” of the Pharisees refers to their corrupt religious practices and teachings, which led people […]


on March 24 / by Chris Cammarata

It’s said God unconditionally loves the world. But it also said that we must fear the Lord. How can we love out of fear? Does God want a slave – master relationship?

God does love the world unconditionally. When we speak of “fearing God” or the Spirit’s gift of “fear of the Lord,” we don’t mean “fear” in the same way as, for example, fear of heights or fear of the dark. The simplest way to define this “holy fear” is as reverence. It is a sort […]


on March 23 / by Chris Cammarata

Does God punish us for our sins?

It’s good to remember that God never wills evil–he is goodness itself. When hardships and suffering come to us in our lives, God only permits these things to happen, and even then only reluctantly. There are times where God deals out punishment for sins, but these are like acts of discipline which are meant to […]

Catholic Church

on March 23 / by Chris Cammarata

If God acts in our conscience showing us good and bad and guiding us irrespective of religion, what is the need of following religious rituals for salvation?

It is true that God acts in our conscience, helping us by his grace to choose what is good and avoid what is evil. However, it might help us to better understand what is meant when we talk about our “conscience.” A lot of this information can be found in the Catechism, sections 1776-1794. First […]


on March 15 / by Tomas Michael

How to keep faith in moments of extreme uncertainty?

At a time when the pandemic of Coronavirus is sweeping across the world, this question becomes even more pertinent. What is actually faith? There is a ‘transmitted’ faith and an ‘owned’ faith. Transmitted faith is one that I get from the culture around me – especially my family and friends. I believe because of those […]


on March 12 / by Chris Cammarata

Why was the Book of Thomas not incorporated into the Holy Bible?

The “Book of Thomas” in question here refers to a document called the Gospel of Thomas. This text is an apocryphal work, meaning that it is not accepted as canonical. The text is very old though, dating at least back to the 2nd century AD and perhaps even further back to the 1st century AD. […]


on March 12 / by Edin Michael

Is the story of Adam and Eve real or is it symbolic?

The position of the Catholic Church regarding the story of our first parents – Adam and Eve – is that, though the writer of the book is not using a literary style that pertains to modern day language used to record historical events, the story of creation and the fall of man is a true […]


on March 12 / by Tomas Michael

What is the meaning of Mathew 22:32. “I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, not the God of the dead but of the living”. Why are they considered alive?

This verse is the culmination of a little debate that Jesus had with the Sadducees  and is mentioned in all the three Synoptic Gospels. The main difference between the Pharisees and Sadducees was that the latter did not believe in the resurrection from the dead (see Mt 22:23). They only considered the Torah or the […]


on March 12 / by Chris Cammarata

What does Genesis 6:1 mean? Who are the sons of God? Are they angels? Do angels have gender?

The opening chapters of Genesis (specifically chapters 1-11, which cover everything before Abraham) can be very confusing to explain without some knowledge of the literary style of these chapters. Genesis 1-11 (sometimes referred to as primeval history) tells the story of the world in its earliest days, before even the patriarchs. However, it does not […]


on March 3 / by Tomas Michael

Is reading the book Da Vinci code wrong?

If you love reading thriller novels, you will most probably consider Dan Brown’s books including the Davinci Code. (if your English is too good, you may find his writing a bit below par). Brown goes at length in his novels to ‘make you feel’ that his novels have historic realities which were hidden but are […]

Catholic Church

on March 2 / by Jacob Jose

What is the purpose of life? How as a Catholic, one can achieve that purpose?

The purpose of our life is to share in the Divine Life by being in perfect communion with God. Perfect union with God demands and enables perfect relationship with fellow beings. Our relationship with God and fellow beings is marked by love. Love is God’s very own nature. Since God created us in His own […]


on March 2 / by Dr. Nelson Thomas

Did Cain marry his sister?

The account in Genesis does not claim to list all the children of Adam and Eve  by name, but makes it clear that there were others: Genesis 4:17 mentions that Cain had a wife. Gen 4:25 mentions the birth of Seth, another son of Adam and Eve. 4:26 mentions Seth’s son, Enosh. Finally, 5:4 says, […]


on March 2 / by Jacob Jose

God created us without us, but He will not save us without us” Why?

This is a famous quote by St. Augustine. This can be understood using a little analogy. Think about your own birth. You were given life through your parents not because you asked for it. Similarly when God created us, He did so not because we asked Him to. So this means that God created us […]

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