
Jesus Christ

on April 28 / by Chris Cammarata

Why didn’t Virgin Mary visit the tomb after Jesus was buried? What happened on Saturday, the day after Jesus was laid to rest.

The Gospels do not specify if the Virgin Mary went to Jesus’ tomb after his burial. Here is the interesting part, though: the Gospels actually record two separate occasions where Jesus was anointed after his death. If you look in Matthew 27:57-61 or John 19:38-42, it mentions that Joseph of Arimathea wrapped and buried Jesus. […]

Jesus Christ

on April 28 / by Chris Cammarata

How old was Mary when Jesus was crucified? How long did Jesus walk to reach Golgotha?

Mary would have been somewhere around 50 years old at the time of Jesus’ Crucifixion. We don’t have hard evidence for this, but it’s an educated guess based on the timeline of the lives of Mary and Jesus. Mary was a young virgin when she conceived Jesus, and scholars propose that she was probably between […]


on April 6 / by Chris Cammarata

I always get a feeling that I should become a priest especially when I see them offering mass or giving a sermon but I’m in a committed relationship and I really love her. How do I deal with such situation?

Praise God for your desire to seek his will in your life! I guess the first thing I would want you to know is that it’s okay to have conflicting desires, and you are not alone. Many, many men have found themselves in your situation. I also want to thank you for sharing something which […]

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