
Catholic Church

on August 16 / by Chris Cammarata

Is there any rule that weddings shouldn’t be held during the season of lent?

There is a surprisingly common misconception that weddings (and according to some, even baptisms) cannot be held during Lent or Advent. This is usually rooted in the idea that these seasons (but especially Lent) are “penitential” seasons which are unfit for a joyful celebration like a wedding. As a result, parishes and even priests have […]


on August 16 / by Chris Cammarata

Who is the whore of Babylon mentioned in the book of revelations if it is not the Catholic Church?

The “whore of Babylon” mentioned in the Book of Revelation very clearly refers to the Roman Empire. Understanding the symbolism of the Book of Revelation requires understanding the original audience for which it was written, which was the early Christians under Roman persecution. The sufferings (and future sufferings) which are seen by John point to […]


on August 13 / by Chris Cammarata

After the resurrection of Jesus, the spread of Christianity was rapid. Today millions of Christians exist and there isn’t a notable increase in the spread of Christianity, why?

I would say there are many reasons. I don’t think I could give an exhaustive answer to that question–it would probably take a full book–but maybe we can take a brief look at history with “theological eyes.” St. Thomas Aquinas once commented that the initial spread of Christianity was in itself a miracle. Twelve rowdy, […]


on August 13 / by Chris Cammarata

Where is Mount Moriah in the Bible located now?

It’s difficult to determine the exact location of Moriah, because even the ancient Jews did not know exactly where it was located. Classical Judaism thought that Mount Moriah was in or near Jerusalem, owing to 2 Chronicles 3:1, which mentions that Solomon built the Temple over a threshing floor given to him by Araunah the […]


on August 13 / by Chris Cammarata

In Rom 16:1 and 16:7, St. Paul introduces Phoebe, a woman deacon and Junia, an apostle. If there were women priests in the early Catholic Church, why not allow women priesthood now?

Neither Phoebe nor Junia were priests or bishops. The reason these holy women of the early Church are brought up with regards to this particular debate usually comes from a confusion of terms and ambiguity in language. The exact Greek word which is used to identify Phoebe is diakonos, which is where we get the […]

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