

on September 24 / by Chris Cammarata

How does the Church respond to the theory of evolution?

In the first place, it’s essential that we understand that the Church and science are not opposed to one another. There is an unfortunately common misconception that in order to be a person of faith, we must reject the advances of science, or conversely to be scientifically credible, we must turn away from faith. St. […]


on September 24 / by Edin Michael

2 Samuel 24:24 and 1 chronicle 21:24-25 gives conflicting information about the same event. One says ‘Araunah’ and ‘50 shekels of silver’ and the other says ‘Ornan’ and ‘600 shekels of gold’. How do you resolve this?

2 Samuel 24:24 and 1 chronicle 21:24-25 gives conflicting information about the same event. One says ‘Araunah’ and ‘50 shekels of silver’ and the other says ‘Ornan’ and ‘600 shekels of gold’. How do you resolve this?

Catholic Church

on September 24 / by Chris Cammarata

Can we lose our salvation?

Interesting question, because it often highlights the differences between Protestant and Catholic understandings of salvation. Much of mainline Protestantism holds that once you have accepted Christ’s salvation, you are saved forever, and it is impossible to lose that salvation. How does that hold up to the Catholic understanding? In the first place, we need to […]

Ethics and Morality

on September 24 / by Chris Cammarata

Is it ok to have ejaculated without masturbation?

An honest question–and one that many men are embarrassed to ask, since it is a sensitive subject. Let’s recall that any time we are speaking about our sexuality, we are speaking about something holy. Reverence when speaking about our sexuality is key and will help us to grow in chastity! To your question, the answer […]

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