

on December 11 / by Dr. Nelson Thomas

Why did God want to kill Moses in Exodus 4: 24?

This is one of the mystical episodes in sacred Scripture such that so little can be said certainly with regards to the circumstances of the act. In the said passage Moses’ wife, Zipporah, removes Yahweh’s wrath and saves her husband’s life by using a flint knife to circumcise their son. Circumcision was the sign of […]


on December 11 / by Dr. Nelson Thomas

According to the Bible, the Sabbath day is Saturday. So why do Catholics not celebrate Sunday as Sabbath? Where in the Bible can I find a reference to Sunday being the Sabbath day.

As you have rightly said, Sabbath according to the Bible is on Saturdays. The Church did not move Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday or to any other day. Instead “The Sabbath, which represented the completion of the first creation, has been replaced by Sunday, which recalls the new creation inaugurated by the Resurrection of Christ” […]

Catholic Church

on December 11 / by Chris Cammarata

What is the significance of the Catholic Altar?

The altar is deeply significant in the Catholic liturgy, and it is rich with symbolism which draws from both the Old and New Testaments. Two principle scriptural images are linked with the altar: The altar of sacrifice in the Temple of Jerusalem, where the Jews would burn offerings of animals, grain, and other foods to […]

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