

on June 12 / by Chris Cammarata

Is it necessary to thank God? I mean, will he not be annoyed if we continue to thank him for the same thing? I see people praising God during Adoration, listing all the “great and wonderful” works. Why do they do this?

There’s a great line from a prayer of the Mass known as the Preface–named such because it is the prayer that begins the Liturgy of the Eucharist–and I think it will help provide us an answer to this question. This Preface, given the rather simple name of Common Preface IV, says: For, although you have […]


on June 7 / by Jacob Jose

Why did God create man?

God created man out of His endless and selfless love. God wants us to know him, love him, and serve him who is all good, all powerful, and all knowing. We are created to be happy with him forever. God did not create us because He was lonely or he needed some labour done on […]


on June 5 / by Edin Michael

How can we prove the existence of the Trinity from the scriptures?

Even though the term “Trinity” is never mentioned in the Scriptures, the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of Christian faith and life (CCC 234). The doctrine declares that God exists as a unity of three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Each of the persons is distinct from the […]

Catholic Church

on June 3 / by Chris Cammarata

Why doesn’t the Catholic Church baptize as Jesus was baptised in the river Jordan?

Sounds to me like you’re referring to Baptism by immersion, where the person is completely submerged under the water. This is different from how Baptism is usually done, where water is simply poured over the head of the person being baptized. Actually, in the Catholic Church, both of these forms of Baptism are valid and […]

Catholic Church

on June 1 / by Chris Cammarata

Does the jewish Passover and Christian Pesaha fall on the same date every year?

The two days will always happen at least around the same time. Jewish Passover (Pesah in Hebrew) and Easter can happen on the same day, but strangely enough, under the current rules used for the Jewish calendar, the Gregorian calendar, and the calculation of the date for Easter, the Jewish Passover and Holy Thursday (or […]

Catholic Church

on June 1 / by Chris Cammarata

Is using condoms against the teachings of the Catholic Church?

Yes, condoms (and all forms of contraception) are against the teachings of the Church. The conjugal act which is preserved for marriage is ordered by God towards the union of the couple and procreation. Any intervention that wilfully thwarts this divine purpose remains sinful. Therefore couples should always come together with total openness to the […]


on June 1 / by Chris Cammarata

How can Jesus and the Bible be both “Word of God”?

In this case we are using the term “Word of God” in two different ways. Let’s start by showing how we use this term when we talk about Jesus Christ. In the Gospel of John, Jesus is identified as the pre-existent “Word of God,” who “was with God” and who “was God.” Even from before […]

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