
Catholic Church

on January 9 / by Chris Cammarata

Under what specific circumstances does a bishop give consent to disparity of cult marriages?

Excellent question! For context, the “disparity of cult” in question here refers to when two people of different faiths attempt to get married. The term refers very specifically to when a Catholic wishes to marry an unbaptized non-Christian (a Muslim, a Hindu, an atheist, etc.). When a Catholic attempts to marry a baptized person who […]


on January 9 / by Chris Cammarata

Is St Paul talking about sex within marriage in 1 Corinthians 7:5? If so, what should be the time of abstinence from physical relationship if procreation is the expected fruit of catholic marriage?

The verse in question is: “Do not deprive one another except perhaps by agreement for a set time, to devote yourselves to prayer, and then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control” (1 Corinthians 7:5). This verse may not make much sense on initial reading, especially […]


on January 9 / by Chris Cammarata

Is blasphemy against the Church partially the same as blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? Could you explain. If not, how different are they? What is the “sin against the Holy Spirit?”

The “sin against the Holy Spirit” mentioned by Jesus in the Gospels (Matthew 12:30-32) is famous for its identification as an “unforgivable sin.” Naturally, since God forgives all sin, the difficulty of this passage and the struggle to explain what exactly this “sin against the Holy Spirit” is has invited a lot of interest from […]

Art and culture

on January 9 / by Edin Michael

According to GIRM only certain types of hymns and music are permitted at a Catholic Mass. Why do youth insist on secular or Christian pop songs like Hillsong for Mass?

The short answer is that people generally tend to gravitate towards things that they already know and have come to like and which belong to their “culture”. Though Gregorian chants are finding their way back into the lives of many, it would be safe to say that for many young people it is something that […]

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