Since Jesus Christ was born as a human being, how did he live a chaste life? Because being a human, it is very normal to get attracted to the opposite gender.

You’re right, it is perfectly normal to be attracted to the opposite gender. However, we should distinguish between simply being attracted to somebody and how one acts on those feelings of attraction.

We are made for beauty and are naturally drawn to it. Beauty is that thing that makes us go “wow!” when we experience it. And it comes to us in many different ways: we see beauty in nature, art, music, culture, faith, and of course people. So when a man sees a beautiful woman (or vice-versa), that reaction of “wow!” is normal. Remember the words of Psalm 139:14, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made!”

However, what comes after that “wow!” is our decision. We can take that experience of beauty toward a good end, or toward a sinful end. For example, a man sees a beautiful woman and is attracted to her–he then silently thanks God for her beauty and maybe says a prayer for her. That would be a good response to beauty. But he can also respond to that beauty in a sinful way–he can hold onto that thought of her, let his imagination carry him away, pursue her against her wishes, and so on.

The point is that being attracted to somebody is not a sin. What we do with that attraction, though, requires a moral response from us–and we can choose to respond virtuously or sinfully.

In the case of Jesus, he is 100% God and 100% man–which means he experienced every part of our human experience. He is like us in all things but sin (see Hebrews 4:15). That means that like us, Jesus got happy, sad, hungry, angry, tired, etc. And he experienced beauty and attraction too. In fact, being the author of all beauty, he probably experienced in its deepest way. But being sinless and being God, Jesus never acted on any of those feelings in a sinful way–never turning it to selfish ends, never lusting after someone.

The fact that Jesus, who experienced regular human life, was tempted but never sinned can actually give us hope! We can be similarly pure of mind, heart, and body in all our interactions with the opposite gender. With the help of God’s grace and mercy, we can love every man and woman just as Christ did: with the eyes of love.

Chris Cammarata

The views, thoughts, opinions presented here belong solely to the author and are not necessarily the official view of the Jesus youth movement.

2 responses to “Since Jesus Christ was born as a human being, how did he live a chaste life? Because being a human, it is very normal to get attracted to the opposite gender.”

  1. Gilbert Fernandes says:

    We don’t know who has introduced this belief that ‘it’s normal to be attracted to the opposite gender’. We don’t know how this is 100% correct. Or is it written anywhere in the Bible? In fact I have come across many people who don’t seem to be getting attracted to the opposite gender (or same gender). Such People are focused on something else. e.g. Adolf Hitler was a teetotaler, vegetarian & non smoker too. Being in power he could have done all that like many other leaders did.
    If we consider Jesus as a person from a class of people who are ‘attracted to the opposite gender’ what about the rest like Mother Mary, and so many of our other Saints. Mother Mary who was chosen by God Himself from whom nothing is hidden.
    You may notice that today’s many of the modern children who have got personal mobile phones think all other kids have mobile phones, as if all children are born with phones in their hands else they are disabled/ something is wrong with rest. Similarly we who think ‘it’s normal to be attracted to the opposite gender’ consider all human beings to be in the same class. But it need not be so. We better change our viewing glasses.

    • Jacob Jose says:

      Dear Gilbert,
      Thank you for your comment. We appreciate that.
      Attraction is good and it is God given. But villain here is sin and the state of one’s heart. For a person with disordered eros, attraction will often lead to ‘using’ the other to satisfy his/her disordered physical/emotional urges. But for a chaste man, attraction, will lead him to will the greater good of the other and he/she will never use the person for selfish ends. Attraction to the opposite gender is universal. But I agree, there may be people who feel no attraction to the other. But as we know exceptions are there for almost every reality. But these exceptions does not prove the absence of it. Attraction in itself is not sin but what we do with it could become sinful or it could lead to a virtuous act for the good of the other depending the purity of ones heart (virtue of chastity). Attraction may not always necessarily be sexual. There are sensual and sentimental attractions (love and responsibility – St. John Paul II). Attraction is being drawn to what is beautiful and good. One may abuse or elevate the subject depending on disposition of the heart. We will be glad to listen to you and reply to you if you have further questions. Good day.

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