

on January 30 / by Edin Michael

There is no mention of Jesus being God in the Holy Bible. He refers to himself as the Son of Man or coming from One who sent Him. Can it be elaborated?

While reading the Holy Bible, it is important that we keep in mind that these books were written by first century Jews. The culture in which they lived and the time period all determines the way they present Christ and more importantly it would affect the way Christ revealed himself to them. For certain, one […]

Catholic Church

on January 29 / by Dr. Nelson Thomas

Why do some people burn candles to pray. Is it necessary to burn candles and pray? God looks at the heart right?

Candles are one of the important sacramentals used in the Catholic Church since it assists the liturgy of the Sacraments. Catholics also use candles while offering prayers. These are called ‘votive candles’. Candles are an external expression of prayer. Just as a candle, our prayers too are continually offered up to God. Different types of […]

Catholic Church

on January 29 / by Edin Michael

In the religion of Christianity we see divisions. Did Jesus ever wish to establish a boundary called religion? Wasn’t his ideologies much above that?

Religion by definition is the service and worship of God or the supernatural. It is basically an effort made by man to connect with God – religare “to bind fast”. Christianity, in that sense can be called a religion, the largest one on earth with 2.4 billion people. But, if we look deeper into it, […]


on January 29 / by Dr. Nelson Thomas

Who has written the holy book, Bible?

The Bible is a compilation of several individual books. These books were written by different human authors at different periods of time under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. These were later compiled into a single book, “The Bible” under the authority of the Holy Catholic Church. Dei verbum, the Second Vatican Council’s Dogmatic Constitution […]

Ethics and Morality

on January 21 / by Dr. Mammen P Cherian

If a women’s life is in danger during child birth or if it is known prior that the woman will die, can abortion be done if the she chooses to live?

The unborn child and the mother have equal human dignity and possess the same right to life. When a medical crisis arises during pregnancy, doctors should do whatever they can to save both their lives, never directly attacking one — through drugs, or other means — to save the other. Doctors usually are met with […]


on January 21 / by Chris Cammarata

In the Book of Tobit, angel Raphael pretends he is Azariah, the son of Hananiah the elder. Why did the Angel lie? Isn’t it a sin to lie?

It is a sin to lie, but the angel isn’t exactly lying. In this situation it’s more like he isn’t revealing the whole truth–at least not yet. The nature of St. Raphael’s mission required that he keep his angelic identity hidden. Other angels in the Old Testament did this as well. Angels are fearful, powerful, […]

Heaven and Hell

on January 21 / by Dr. Nelson Thomas

Though Adam sinned, he entered heaven. So then his descendants should also enter heaven by the grace and Mercy of God right?

Not everyone will enter heaven. Souls of those who die deprived of sanctifying grace will immediately enter hell. Sanctifying grace is a habitual gift, a stable and supernatural disposition that perfects the soul itself to enable it to live with God and to act by his love (CCC 2000). It’s ordinarily gifted through the sacrament […]

End Times

on January 21 / by Dr. Nelson Thomas

Where does our soul go right after death?

Right after the death, the soul which is separated from the body, undergoes a ‘particular judgement’. Particular judgment, is the divine judgment that a departed person undergoes immediately after death, in contradistinction to the general judgment (or Last Judgment) of all people at the end of the world. If the departed soul is deprived of […]


on January 18 / by Chris Cammarata

Who are the four horsemen mentioned in Revelation Chapter 6?

The four horsemen of Revelation do not refer to specific people but to the calamities that the Church experiences as she awaits the fulfilment of God’s victory. That is why it is ambiguous whether the riders are good or evil (they bring evils upon the world, but they come as part of the fulfilment of […]

Catholic Church

on January 16 / by Chris Cammarata

Why can’t priests marry if they constantly have sexual urges?

Let me start by saying that the solution to dealing with sexual urges is not necessarily acting on them. This is a truth that applies to all of us–not just priests. It will be helpful to understand the difference between chastity and celibacy. As mentioned in another post, chastity is not just abstinence from sexual […]

Holy Mass

on January 16 / by Chris Cammarata

Does the Church consider Saturday evening Mass same as Sunday Mass? Is my Sunday obligation fulfilled if I went for Saturday evening Mass?

The Church permits going to Mass on Saturday evening instead of on Sunday, and it doesn’t have to be an emergency. Sunday is the most important and holiest day of the week for us as Christians because it is the day of Christ’s Resurrection. Our participation in the Eucharist on Sunday is our celebration of […]


on January 16 / by Edin Michael

Are Mother Mary, Saints and Angels omnipresent like God, to listen to prayer requests of the faithful from different locations on the planet at the same time?

Only God is omnipresent. Mother Mary, the Saints or the Angels are not omnipresent. But, they can and do listen to any prayers addressed to them from anywhere in any language. This is not because they are capable all by themselves, but rather God makes them “accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask […]


on January 16 / by Chris Cammarata

Since Jesus Christ was born as a human being, how did he live a chaste life? Because being a human, it is very normal to get attracted to the opposite gender.

You’re right, it is perfectly normal to be attracted to the opposite gender. However, we should distinguish between simply being attracted to somebody and how one acts on those feelings of attraction. We are made for beauty and are naturally drawn to it. Beauty is that thing that makes us go “wow!” when we experience […]


on January 15 / by Edin Michael

Who created God the Father?

When we answer this question it is necessary that we know what people mean by the word “God”.  Anything that has a beginning has a cause. When we see a chair, we know that it did not come into being all by itself. We know that some carpenter had spent many hours on making the […]

Catholic Church

on January 15 / by Chris Cammarata

Soldiers kill enemies to protect their country. But killing is against the fifth commandment. How do we explain this?

This question concerns the Fifth Commandment and legitimate self-defense. The Catechism speaks about it in sections 2263-2265 (but 2266-2269 are also helpful). If you are in a situation where someone is threatening your life, you are allowed to defend your life. In other words, you are allowed to fight back. Your life has value and […]

Holy Mass

on January 14 / by Chris Cammarata

Why do Catholics use incense during the Holy Mass?

The use of incense is actually an ancient tradition in many religions of the world. Our use of incense comes from Judaism, which used incense in the rituals of the Temple. Originally, in Judaism, incense actually had a very practical purpose. You see, the Jews would often pray at the Temple by sacrificing animals to […]

Catholic Church

on January 14 / by Chris Cammarata

Does the Church believe in the Big Bang Theory? If not why?

The Church neither confirms nor denies the Big Bang theory because it is not inherently contradictory to its teachings on creation. The most important thing to remember about the Church’s teaching on creation is simple: God created everything. However it got there, God created it. So if the Big Bang actually did happen, then what […]

Catholic Church

on January 14 / by Chris Cammarata

Is the Holy Cross still preserved by the Church?

According to tradition, St. Helena (the mother of Constantine and an Empress of the Roman Empire) discovered the Holy Cross (or the “True Cross”) while making a pilgrimage to the Holy Land between 326-328 AD. She led an excavation to search for the True Cross, together with the bishop of Jerusalem and the local church. […]


on January 14 / by Chris Cammarata

What’s the difference between the Catholic and non-catholic bibles?

The books of the Bible comprise what is called the biblical canon. These books are canonical because they are divinely inspired and authoritative. Apart from differences in wording and translation, the difference between Catholic and non-Catholic Bibles is in what books are considered canon. The Catholic Bible has 73 books: 46 in the Old Testament […]

Catholic Church

on January 14 / by Chris Cammarata

What is the Creed?

The Creed refers to the statement of the basic truths of our Catholic faith. We recite the Creed every Sunday during Mass, and often at the beginning of prayers like the Rosary. There are two Creeds we use: the Apostle’s Creed and the Nicene Creed. The Apostle’s Creed is the shorter and older of the […]


on January 14 / by Tomas Michael

What is the role of the guardian angel in our life?

Thanks for that question! Perhaps your guardian angel prompted you to ask that!!! Some quick understanding of guardian angels:  A guardian angel is an angel (a created, non-human, non-corporeal being) that has been assigned to guard a particular person from the time of his birth, especially to help that person avoid spiritual dangers and achieve […]

Mother Mary

on January 12 / by Chris Cammarata

Why is Mother Mary considered to be born without sin and we are, with sin? If Jesus died for our sins, shouldn’t we also be born without sin?

Your question mainly concerns two important theological concepts: Original Sin and the Immaculate Conception. Original Sin refers to the sinful condition we are all born in, which is a consequence of the sin of Adam and Eve. Through them, “sin entered the world” (Romans 5:12), and we as their children have been implicated in their sin. The Catechism speaks […]

Catholic Church

on January 11 / by Edin Michael

Does a single plenary indulgence remit us from the temporal punishments of all the sins I have ever done in my life?

What is an indulgence? Sin leads to the possibility of two consequences:  Eternal consequence: If there is no repentance, the soul will be confined to hell for eternity. This consequence can be remitted by receiving forgiveness of sin through the  Sacrament of Reconciliation. Temporal consequence: It is a temporary punishment which remains even after receiving […]

Catholic Church

on January 10 / by Chris Cammarata

If a woman has a child out of wedlock, can she baptize the child in church?

Absolutely! Not only can the mother have her child baptized, but she should. No child should be punished for the circumstances of his/her birth. Obviously, the ideal is that every child be born in a happy, holy Catholic family with a loving father and mother. However, the Church knows that reality is often far different […]

Catholic Church

on January 9 / by Jacob Jose

What is the meaning of the word ‘Danaha’ and why is it celebrated?

The Syriac word ‘Danaha’ means Sunrise or Dawn. The feast of Danaha is celebrated to commemorate the Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan. During the baptism of Jesus, the heaven opened and God the Father manifested himself and declared to the whole humanity that Jesus was His beloved Son. The Holy Spirit in form […]


on January 9 / by Edin Michael

Can you help understand the difference between soul, spirit and conscience?

What is Soul? The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that the human person, created in the image of God, is a being at once corporeal and spiritual (CCC 362). The reason behind this is the unity found between the body and the spiritual soul that animates it (CCC 364). From this we can come […]

Jesus Christ

on January 9 / by Edin Michael

Was Jesus, the historical person ever alive? What are the historical evidence to prove that?

Before going into answering the question, first we should determine what do we mean by “historical evidence”. By historical evidence we mean the evidence available for past events or persons which can be verified to a certain degree of reliability. For establishing this one has to answer certain questions: When was the manuscript or artifact […]

Catholic Church

on January 9 / by Chris Cammarata

Where was St. Joseph, the father of Jesus when he was crucified?

According to tradition, St. Joseph died when Jesus was still growing up (meaning before he ever began his public ministry). The story says that Jesus and Mary were both there with him, to comfort him in his final moments–that is why St. Joseph is also the patron saint of a happy death.

Catholic Church

on January 9 / by Jacob Jose

What are the challenges of inter-religious marriages?

Are you discerning the prospect of an inter-religious marriage? Then this answer is for you. As Catholics, have three vocations: vocation to married life, vocation to religious life and vocation to the single life. A vocation is the path of life that one chooses to grow in holiness and ultimately share in the divine life […]


on January 9 / by Chris Cammarata

Which is the last day that God created human beings?

Technically today, since God is the creator of all life! All mothers and fathers are participants (we use the term “co-creators”) in God’s act of creation when a child is brought into the world. However, if you’re referring to the creation accounts, then Genesis 1:24-31 tells us that God created human beings on the 6th […]

Catholic Church

on January 9 / by Chris Cammarata

Is any saint mediator required to reach Jesus?

No saint is required to reach Jesus. “For there is one God. There is also one mediator between God and the human race, Christ Jesus, himself human, who gave himself as ransom for all” (1 Timothy 2:5-6). As Jesus himself says, he is the “gate for the sheep” (John 10:7) and “the way” (John 14:6) […]


on January 9 / by Chris Cammarata

Is it right to marry a person of a different religion?

It might be easier to say that it can be okay to marry a person of a different religion. Just to clarify, “different religion” means somebody who is not Catholic. It doesn’t refer to Catholics of two different rites–for instance, a Roman Catholic and a Byzantine Catholic are still the same religion: Catholic. Rules regarding […]


on January 9 / by Chris Cammarata

Are tattoos allowed in Christianity?

Much of the debate around tattoos in Christianity comes from Leviticus 19:28, which prohibits tattoos. The reason that Leviticus forbade tattoos is that in the ancient world, tattoos were marks that showed to whom you belonged. Tattoos and brands were given to slaves and to beasts of burden. Sometimes, pagan religions would also give tattoos […]

Catholic Church

on January 8 / by Jacob Jose

How to avoid distraction during Holy Mass?

I would like to use an analogy here to draw the point. Many of you might know the game Cricket. The matches are anywhere between 4 hours to 5 days long. You yourself may be an ardent follower of the game or you might at least know people who are glued to their television screens […]


on January 8 / by Edin Michael

If a rape victim gets pregnant, can she opt for abortion or should she raise the child?

Rape is a horrible crime and what makes it horrible is the fact that one’s body is getting violated by another human being without consent. It is a situation which no girl or woman should face in their lifetime. Having said this, suppose a rape victim gets pregnant, would it be moral to abort the […]


on January 8 / by Chris Cammarata

Is a relationship that does not involve sexual pleasure or lust a sin?

This question could be referring to a variety of different situations, but it sounds like you’re describing a situation where there are two young people who are in a relationship but not married, so I’ll try to answer it accordingly. It’s going to be a longer answer, so be ready! Chastity, Love, and Use The […]


on January 8 / by Chris Cammarata

How come masturbation is sin?

The Catechism treats this directly in section 2352 (see also 2354, which concerns pornography), but I will try to expand the answer a little bit. Bear in mind that this question treats some adult themes! Let’s remember, in the first place, that the Church looks at our sexuality and the sexual act as something very […]

Catholic Church

on January 8 / by Edin Michael

Are humans the only living creatures with souls? What about animals and plants?

“Man, though made of body and soul, is a unity.” – CCC 364 In order to answer this question, one must first know what a soul is.  A soul, on its most basic level, is the “life principle” or “animating principle” of a body. In other words, the soul is what gives life. Thus every […]


on January 8 / by Edin Michael

What is time? How can we relate God with time?

Now that is an interesting question! In a very simplistic fashion, time can be defined as a series of events (changes) that fill the past, extends into the present and goes into the future (relational theory of time). What happens when there are no changes or events taking place within a system? The system becomes […]

Catholic Church

on January 8 / by Tomas Michael

Rather than speaking of the unconditional love of Abba Father, why do some in the Church focus on creating fear by preaching about sin and it’s after effect?

Well, that was an all-inclusive statement!!! Perhaps some preachers do. But yes, you have a very valid point. Sin never makes sense to a person unless he hears about the unconditional and personal love of God, the Father. Every soul should hear and experience within his heart the gentle voice of God whispering “You are […]

Catholic Church

on January 8 / by Tomas Michael

Aren’t arranged marriages archaic and out-dated? Why in some cultures it is still followed?

Before going into the answer, it is presumed that by arranged marriage, what is meant is a healthy situation where parents / relatives / elders / family friends etc. bring about proposals for the prospective bride or groom and the final decision is always left to the individual concerned. Any coercion, threats, manipulation in this […]

Catholic Church

on January 8 / by Tomas Michael

Girls are asked to wear shawls in church which someone told me that was because Holy Mary wore it. But isn’t this an old tradition? We do not see this followed in other countries?

I hope the issue is about women covering their heads with a veil in prayer. The tradition of women having to cover their head in the Church came about as a result of the exhortation of St. Paul in 1 Cor 11:2-16 and not as you mentioned in the question.  In the Church, as late […]

Catholic Church

on January 8 / by Edin Michael

Is purgatory mentioned in the New Testament and has Jesus taught about it in his sermons?

Purgatory is the name given to the final purification of the elect (CCC 1030 – 1032). Though the doctrine is not mentioned explicitly in Scripture, it is present in the teachings of Jesus and his apostles. One such example would be Luke 12:43-48 where we find Jesus speaking about a returning master and four different […]

Catholic Church

on January 8 / by Chris Cammarata

What is the difference between Roman Catholics and Protestants?

Actually, there are many differences! A bit of historical background will help. Protestants do not form a single religious group, but many–thousands, in fact. Protestantism traces its origins to the late 15th and 16th centuries in Europe. There were many figures who contributed: John Calvin, King Henry VIII, Ulrich Zwingli… but perhaps most influential was […]

Catholic Church

on January 8 / by Tomas Michael

Can lay people baptize?

Well, technically yes; but only in an emergency situation. A reading of the Code of Canon Law, Section 849-878 (available in Vatican site) will give a detailed idea of practical steps to be followed in administering the sacrament of baptism, both in ordinary and extraordinary circumstances.  To summarise it, in an emergency situation, when there […]

Catholic Church

on January 5 / by Jacob Jose

Why do we have to go for Mass every day?

If only we understand what Holy Mass is, will we be able to understand why it is that Catholics celebrate Holy Mass not just on Sundays but every single day.  Holy Eucharist is the greatest of all Sacraments and it is called the sacrament of Sacraments. All other sacraments points to this one Sacrament. Jesus […]


on January 4 / by Chris Cammarata

Who is Jesus Christ?

That is a question which the Catholic Church has been asking for about 2000 years! Across the centuries, countless books have been written about this one Person, but the world would not even be able to contain everything that could be said of him (see John 21:25). Let’s at least begin with a simple catechetical […]

Heaven and Hell

on January 3 / by Jacob Jose

Since Adam, millions have died. They are either in heaven or hell. How can these places manage so many people? And what exactly happens in heaven and hell?

Apart from heaven and hell, there is a third possibility known as purgatory. Those in purgatory will ultimately enter heaven after being purified. When a person dies, the soul leaves the body. Soul is a spirit. It does not occupy physical space. Even at Jesus’s second coming when the bodies resurrect and reunite with the […]


on January 2 / by Jacob Jose

If God made Adam and Eve beautiful and perfect, why do we see people with different skin colours, and also with defects?

Something is termed ‘beautiful’ if it reflects God’s own beauty and goodness. Everything God created is beautiful. This includes man and woman, animals and plants, mountains and rivers. Witnessing them evoke a sense of wonder in us and we are immediately drawn to God the omnipotent creator.  Beauty therefore is the divine nature in the […]


on January 2 / by Jacob Jose

Does God condemn Homosexuals? The Church allows sterile couples to marry even though they may not procreate. Then why not allow homosexual marriages?

God does not condemn homosexuals. And the Church does not address them as homosexuals but as ‘persons with same sex attraction’. The Church understands that no persons should be defined by their sexual orientation or impulses. The Church respects and regards their dignity as children of God. Church offers compassion in their trials and calls […]

Catholic Church

on January 2 / by Jacob Jose

Church teaches us not to focus on material wealth while it itself owns quite a lot of it. The priests and bishops live lavish lives, and build grand churches while people live in poverty. Why?

The magisterium or the teaching authority of the Church comes directly from Christ. The teachings of the Church are the teachings of Christ. Jesus’s mandate to his disciple before leaving earth was to teach people to obey all his commandments. Mathew 28:19. And Jesus also said to his disciples “He who hears you hears me” […]

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