Who created God the Father?

When we answer this question it is necessary that we know what people mean by the word “God”. 

Anything that has a beginning has a cause. When we see a chair, we know that it did not come into being all by itself. We know that some carpenter had spent many hours on making the chair out of wood. Here the carpenter would be the intelligent cause behind the existence of the chair and the wood used, the material cause. In the same way, since the universe had a beginning, it also has a cause. 

What are the characteristics of this cause? 

By doing a logical analysis regarding what all could be the characteristics of this cause it can be found that such a cause must be timeless, spaceless, immaterial (as time, space and matter came into existence along with the universe), enormously powerful (as the entire universe was formed out of it), uncaused (as there cannot be an infinite series of causes within a finite time frame), beginningless (as it is timeless, the cause becomes eternal) and personal being. The cause has to be a personal being because if the cause is eternal and all that was needed to produce the effect is the cause, then it would follow that the effect should also be eternal. i.e. the universe would also be eternal. Since, that is not the case there should be something else. The only thing that explains why an eternal cause would result in the creation of a universe finite time ago would be that the cause is a personal being having “free will”. 

As there can be no other cause which precedes this one, the being also has to be necessarily self-sufficient and self-existent. It is this “cause” which is timeless, space-less, immaterial, beginning-less, uncaused, enormously powerful, self-sufficient, self-existent, personal creator who is called as God.

Since God is timeless, has no beginning, is uncaused, self-sufficient and self-existent, He becomes an eternal reality, an uncreated Being. Therefore the question ‘Who created God?’ is like asking ‘Who created an uncreated Being?’

Edin Michael

The views, thoughts, opinions presented here belong solely to the author and are not necessarily the official view of the Jesus youth movement.

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